Celebrating Christmas at Shishu Mandir

Celebrating Christmas at Shishu Mandir

Celebrating Christmas at Shishu Mandir Christmas made us prepone our final session of the year to a Thursday. We hurriedly packed our cubes after school and drove down to Shishu Mandir. We arrived a bit early, so Raanan and I cleared up the classroom while we waited...
Kickstarting 4 Sparks with Rubik’s Cubes

Kickstarting 4 Sparks with Rubik’s Cubes

Kickstarting 4 Sparks with Rubik’s Cubes The day of the first session started out hectic. Last minute changes in session flow plan made Raanan and I nervous, but a well prepared slide show of was enough to comfort us. Before leaving, we bought a few 5-Stars for the...
Showing our Gratitude for the Unsung Heros during Covid

Showing our Gratitude for the Unsung Heros during Covid

Showing our Gratitude for the Unsung Heros during Covid In the summers of 2020, my friend Raanan and I had enrolled ourselves into a project with 1M1B. 1 Million For 1 Billion (1M1B), is a social innovation and future skills initiative platform aligned to the United...
Spending time & Mentoring Kids at Shishu Mandir

Spending time & Mentoring Kids at Shishu Mandir

Spending time & Mentoring Kids at Shishu Mandir Shishu Mandir is a school located in KR Puram, Bangalore, which serves children from an extremely under- privileged background from 12 villages in the vicinity. The children come from the most desperate of...
Teaching Kids how to solve the Rubik’s Cube

Teaching Kids how to solve the Rubik’s Cube

Teaching Kids how to solve the Rubik’s Cube There are many people who are sitting in their houses during the lockdown and in general doing nothing because they are bored, or they are just looking at screens. Why is this so important though? Many children around the...