Lumiere Paper on BloomBox

Bloombox concept updated with advent of Chat GPT

I was part of the Microsoft Imagine Cup Junior team that proposed the Bloombox concept to bridge the words of the hearing and the Deaf using AI. This won us the Microsoft Imagine Cup Junior ’22 for India. This concept was also mentioned by Mr. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft in his Bangalore Keynote in Jan ’23. More information can be found here Bloombox

The advent of ChatGPT presented many new possibilities to the Bloombox concept. Divya updated the concept for the world of GPT in a research paper written in support from Lumiere Education, Lumiere Education provides world class research opportunities for students around the world.

This paper titled “Inclusive Workplace for the Hearing Impaired with AI”, It was done under the guidance of Dr. Won Park, Machine Learning Researcher and Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Michigan – Rackham Graduate School. Dr. Won Park’s LinkedIn Profile

Please refer to this page for the white paper, the grading and the certificate.


The White Paper

The Evaluation Sheet

The Certificate