Showing our Gratitude for the Unsung Heros during Covid
In the summers of 2020, my friend Raanan and I had enrolled ourselves into a project with 1M1B. 1 Million For 1 Billion (1M1B), is a social innovation and future skills initiative platform aligned to the United Nations Development Goals. 1M1B aims to activate 1 million leaders who will impact 1 billion people to create a world with balanced prosperity.
As we were deliberating on the project which could have a thoughtful impact on the world, we started looking around for ideas. The aim was to start a campaign and spread awareness about problems in the world right now. We did not have to go too far. The biggest problem which had hit the world of unsurmountable magnitude was the covid pandemic.
Everybody was doing their bit to help and save others. In the midst of this, we realized how important it is to be grateful to one community which was driving the maximum impact- The Frontline Workers around the world and we decided to focus our campaign towards this. We called out campaign ‘Unsung Heroes’, an apt one for all the services they were silently doing.

Here’s how we did our campaign:
Creating Awareness on Digital Media: We started off the campaign by making an Instagram account (@project_unsung_heroes) and a Website ( talking about our frontline workers and how we all should show them respect and gratitude. We spoke about how a simple thank you or a card would make their day after doing so much for us.
Providing Data & Details: Mentioning some of the statistics and stories of the workers seemed to catch people’s eyes and encouraged them to find ways to thank the workers.
Creating Excitement: We made a daily quiz on our Instagram stories to inform people about the daily happenings. We got a lot of responses throughout the quiz week.
Contest to show Gratitude: Another idea that we put into action was that of a card making competition. The competition was to make cards for frontline workers and the one with the most votes would be the winner. We got 20 entries which we then put on our stories so people could vote. After a tough competition, identified the first two winners for an award.
We announced the winners and with that, we ended our campaign soon later but showing gratitude and respect to our front-liners should never stop. They’ve done a lot for us especially during this pandemic and deserve everything from us.